Þakkir til Íslendinga frá Varnarliðsfólki
Nú þegar Varnarliðsmönnum á Keflavíkurflugvelli fækkar ört og flutt er úr hverri byggingunni á fætur annarri koma skilaboð og kveðjur af Vellinum, frá Varnarliðsfólki, til Íslendinga. Víkurfréttum barst í dag bréf frá Dinah Tague, kennara í Varnarstöðinni á Keflavíkurflugvelli. Bréfið er eftirfarandi:
To the People of Iceland,
I would like to take the time to say good-bye and thank you to the country of Iceland and its people. I have been a teacher at the elementary school on the military base in Keflavik and I have lived here for 2 years and I really love the country. Iceland is majestic, beautiful and extraordinary. I would think that all Icelanders would like to keep their country a secret and not tell anyone so that Iceland can stay spectacular and pure. (Just kidding...)
In the past few months when the U.S. government has decided that many of us here on the base must leave, I have come to see another part of Iceland which has impressed me greatly. I thought that so many of us leaving at once would create a lot of chaos but I didn't count on the Icelandic people for one. Over and over as I have dealt with all the aspects of moving, I have come into contact with so many Icelanders and I have been amazed at how polite they were, how efficiently they did their jobs, and how they were going above and beyond their required duties to make things happen.
I would like to thank all you Icelanders for sharing your riches, your kindess, and your country. Thank you so very much for all you've given and done for us. I shall always have a special place in my heart for this country and its people and I wish I had been here 10 years instead of 2!
Dinah Tague